1 Alisa GLINKAZ3277JEWEL STARMOLDAVIJA 70.500 75.000 74.750 76.700 74.500 357.50 74.290
naloga poz opisCHMBE
1Collected walk (minimum 20 m)7777.57
2Extended walk (minimum 20 m)667.56.57Koef. 2
3Shoulder-in right (collected trot) (minimum 12 m)787.587
4Shoulder-in left (collected trot) (minimum 12 m)777.587.5
5Half-pass right (collected trot)7.57.587.57.5Koef. 2
6Half-pass left (collected trot)77.587.57.5Koef. 2
7Extended trot77.587.57.5
8Half-pass right (collected canter)6.576.577
9Half-pass left (collected canter)
10Extended canter777.587
11Flying changes every third stride (minimum 5 times consecutively)777.57.57.5
12Flying changes every second stride (minimum 5 times consecutively)77.587.57.5
13Single pirouette in canter right7.58877.5Koef. 2
14Single pirouette in canter left67.5477Koef. 2
15The entrance and halts at the beginning and the end of the test66.5776.5
91Rhythm, energy and elasticity77.588.38Koef. 4
92Harmony between rider and horse7.587.587.5Koef. 4
93Choreography. Use of arena. Inventiveness787.57.97.5Koef. 4
94Degree of difficulty. Calculated risks77.57.587.5Koef. 4
95Music and interpretation of the music88888Koef. 4
2 Mattia ALGHISIZ3270FELIANA 5ITALIJA 67.375 68.875 68.625 72.025 68.525 336.25 69.085
naloga poz opisCHMBE
1Collected walk (minimum 20 m)
2Extended walk (minimum 20 m)6.566.56.56Koef. 2
3Shoulder-in right (collected trot) (minimum 12 m)66.56.577
4Shoulder-in left (collected trot) (minimum 12 m)77777
5Half-pass right (collected trot)77777Koef. 2
6Half-pass left (collected trot)77777Koef. 2
7Extended trot7787.57
8Half-pass right (collected canter)5766.56.5
9Half-pass left (collected canter)6.57776.5
10Extended canter77777
11Flying changes every third stride (minimum 5 times consecutively)7.577.577
12Flying changes every second stride (minimum 5 times consecutively)7.577.577
13Single pirouette in canter right6.56.5566Koef. 2
14Single pirouette in canter left776.566Koef. 2
15The entrance and halts at the beginning and the end of the test7.
91Rhythm, energy and elasticity7777.87.5Koef. 4
92Harmony between rider and horse6.576.587Koef. 4
93Choreography. Use of arena. Inventiveness6.57.577.47.2Koef. 4
94Degree of difficulty. Calculated risks6.5777.57.2Koef. 4
95Music and interpretation of the music76. 4
3 Ester SOLDIZ3248ANNARELLA DI VILLAGANAITALIJA 67.125 66.500 66.875 68.925 65.350 324.75 66.955
naloga poz opisCHMBE
1Collected walk (minimum 20 m)76.566.56
2Extended walk (minimum 20 m)6.576.56.57Koef. 2
3Shoulder-in right (collected trot) (minimum 12 m)6676.55
4Shoulder-in left (collected trot) (minimum 12 m)6.5666.55
5Half-pass right (collected trot)6.56.5776.5Koef. 2
6Half-pass left (collected trot) 2
7Extended trot6.576.566
8Half-pass right (collected canter)6.567.566
9Half-pass left (collected canter)76.576.57
10Extended canter6.56.566.56
11Flying changes every third stride (minimum 5 times consecutively)77776.5
12Flying changes every second stride (minimum 5 times consecutively)777.577
13Single pirouette in canter right6. 2
14Single pirouette in canter left6.566.56.56Koef. 2
15The entrance and halts at the beginning and the end of the test6.56.5566.5
91Rhythm, energy and elasticity6.56.577.56.8Koef. 4
92Harmony between rider and horse76.56.576.5Koef. 4
93Choreography. Use of arena. Inventiveness7776.87Koef. 4
94Degree of difficulty. Calculated risks6.576.57.46.8Koef. 4
95Music and interpretation of the music7777.67Koef. 4
4 Valentina BUZZIZ3287ODE DEL CASTEGNOITALIJA 66.750 67.125 62.625 69.525 67.250 320.75 66.655
naloga poz opisCHMBE
1Collected walk (minimum 20 m)766.56.56.5
2Extended walk (minimum 20 m)666.566Koef. 2
3Shoulder-in right (collected trot) (minimum 12 m)6.56.566.56
4Shoulder-in left (collected trot) (minimum 12 m)76.56.577
5Half-pass right (collected trot)6.576.56.56.5Koef. 2
6Half-pass left (collected trot)6.56.566.56.5Koef. 2
7Extended trot776.56.56
8Half-pass right (collected canter)6.57777
9Half-pass left (collected canter)66377
10Extended canter77776
11Flying changes every third stride (minimum 5 times consecutively)77777
12Flying changes every second stride (minimum 5 times consecutively)77877
13Single pirouette in canter right6.56466Koef. 2
14Single pirouette in canter left6.56.566.56.5Koef. 2
15The entrance and halts at the beginning and the end of the test66.5566.5
91Rhythm, energy and elasticity76.56.57.47Koef. 4
92Harmony between rider and horse776.57.56.5Koef. 4
93Choreography. Use of arena. Inventiveness776.57.27Koef. 4
94Degree of difficulty. Calculated risks6.576.57.37Koef. 4
95Music and interpretation of the music6.576.57.57.5Koef. 4
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